Altman Siegel is pleased to present The Mediated Image, an exhibition including work by Simon Denny, Laeh Glenn and Christopher Williams. The artists in the exhibition facilitate images with varying methods, examining infrastructures including cyberspace, technology and advertising to reflect present relationship models and their role shaping global culture. While Simon Denny and Laeh Glenn conceptually organize their work through a consideration of post-internet imagery, Williams engages the history of photography and the politics of display. Like Denny and Glenn, Williams mirrors the structures of his chosen medium in conversation with his subjects, drawing attention toward image production and dissemination. Exuding a mediated stillness and once-removed disposition, Williams' work remains highly influential in its intuitive formal qualities-similarities shared with a younger generation of artists across disparate mediums.
The Mediated Image, 2018
Installation view -
The Mediated Image, 2018
Installation view -
Laeh Glenn
Little Pic, 2018
Oil on canvas, wood frame67 1/2 x 55 1/2 in
171.4 x 141 cm -
The Mediated Image, 2018
Installation view -
Laeh Glenn
Sorry, Not Sorry, 2018
Oil on canvas, wood frame67 1/2 x 55 1/2 in
171.4 x 141 cm -
Laeh Glenn
New Landscape, 2018
Oil on canvas, wood frame67 1/2 x 55 1/2 in
171.4 x 141 cm -
The Mediated Image, 2018
Installation view -
The Mediated Image, 2018
Installation view -
The Mediated Image, 2018
Installation view -
Christopher Williams
Blasing G 2000, Blasing GmbH, Essen Model: Christoph Boland November 15, 2010, 2010
Archival pigment print on cotton rag paper
33 x 37 x 1/2 in83.8 x 94 x 1.3 cm (framed)
The Mediated Image, 2018
Installation view -
Christopher Williams
Linhof Technika V fabricated in Munich, Germany. Salon Studio Stand fabricated in Florence, Italy. Dual cable release. Prontor shutter. Symar-s lens 150mmm/f 5.6 Schneider kreuznach. Sinar fresnel lens placed with black tape on the ground glass. (White) Dirk Schaper Studio, Berlin, June 19, 2007, 2008
C-print33 3/4 x 29 1/4 x 1 1/2 in
85.7 x 74.3 x 3.8 cm (framed) -
The Mediated Image, 2018
Installation view -
Simon Denny
Formalised Org Chart/ Architectural Model: Apple Campus 2 MacPro, 2015
CNC cut MDF, Apple Mac Pro Quad Core 3.7, UV print on Revostage platform, powder coated steel78 3/4 x 78 3/4 x 39 3/8 in
200 x 200 x 100 cm -
Simon Denny
Formalised Org Chart/ Architectural Model: Apple Campus 2 under construction, 2015
CNC cut MDF, UV print on Plexiglas,
metal chain, UV print on Revostage
platform, powder coated steel78 3/4 x 78 3/4 x 39 3/8 in
200 x 200 x 100 cm -
The Mediated Image, 2018
Installation view -
The Mediated Image, 2018
Installation view -
The Mediated Image, 2018
Installation view -
The Mediated Image, 2018
Installation view -
Christopher Williams
Untitled (Beauty, happiness at ground level. A carpet of pure new wool embellishes everything that it touches. If you have never seen your furniture on a beautiful carpet, then you have never seen it. If you have never walked barefoot, in your house, on the softness of wool, then you are ignoring a great pleasure. Because a good carpet, of true, vibrant, natural wool, makes life more beautiful. Strict laboratory tests have verified all the qualities of the velvet, 100% pure new wool carpets that merit the Woolmark label: purity, strength, comfort, sound- and thermal-insulation, resistance of colors, non-inflammability, easy maintenance, permanent moth-proof treatment. Choosing a carpet is a serious matter. A matter of happiness. So, always check the Woolmark label. You will be certain to have a carpet of 100% pure new wool. You will be certain that you are making the best business. In pure new wool, it's a real carpet. Ask for Woolmark.) Studio Rhein Verlag, Dusseldorf February 29, 2016, 2016
Inkjet print on cotton rag paper38 1/8 x 33 1/4 x 1 1/2 in
96.8 x 84.5 x 3.8 cm (framed) -
Simon Denny
Modded Server Rack Display: Hacking Trust [Narrative by Matt Goerzen, suggested product title by Emily Segal], 2015
Custom printed books in Revostage platform, powder coated 19” server rack, Cisco Systems WS-C2948G switch, LAN cables, Bachmann power strip, steel trays, Bitmain Antminer Golden Sample S3+, handmade Bitcoin Miner Asic Block Erupter Blade SET, UV print on laminated cardboard, UV print on cardboard, laser cut Plexiglas letters, powder coated steel components, UV print on sandblasted laminated safety glass, LED strips96 1/2 x 39 3/8 x 39 3/8 in
245 x 100 x 100 cm